
Antenatal/Postnatal Clinic

The Antenatal clinic takes place every Wednesday afternoon from 1.00pm by appointment. The Doctor will advise you when to come for your first initial visit.  Patients will be seen by a Midwife. The Postnatal clinic is by appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Asthma/COPD Clinic

The Practice Nurse will see all patients on regular respiratory medication.  She can give advice about peak flow rates, inhaler technique and monitor your progress.  If you are concerned, please contact the Nurse at any time.  Appointments can be made at reception. 

Child Health Clinic

6-8 week child health checks are carried out by a GP within the practice and are by appointment only.  You will be notified when these assessments are due once the child has been registered with the practice.  Your health visitor may also run ‘drop in clinics’ for weight checks and advice on general parenting, infant diets and any infant health concerns.

Diabetic Clinic

The Practice Nurse sees insulin dependent diabetics, diet only diabetics and those people who need to take oral medication.  She can also provide guidance on specialist chiropodist and dietician referral as required.  Clinics are held on Wednesday afternoons by appointment via reception.

Family Planning

This is for both female and male patients. All the Partners and Practice Nurses are able to give advice about contraception and sexual health matters.

Heart Disease Clinic

Any patient with angina or following a heart attack should attend the Practice Nurse once a year for routine tests. Please book appointments at reception.

Hypertension Clinic

Any patient with high blood pressure should attend once a year for a blood pressure check, blood tests, E.C.G and urine test. Please book appointments at reception.

Immunisation Clinic

This is organised by the Health Visitors.   All mothers are notified automatically with an appointment to bring their babies for immunisation.  

Well Woman/Cervical Screening Clinic

The Practice nurse will see patients for cervical screening and advice. Appointments should be arranged via reception.


Physiotherapy information is available for patients with muscle and joint problems at


Should you need insurance, employment or other medical examinations please make a special appointment with the receptionist as this takes a little longer than other services.

Community Nursing Services

The Health Visitors can give you advice on health care, women’s health, the menopause, smoking cessation, pre-post natal care and continence advice and assessments.  They can provide you with links to a network of agencies who can deal with specific problems, health, social and mental well being.  They also provide home visiting to all new mothers re care and well-being of mum, baby and extended family.  They are also happy to give you telephone advice on minor ailments.

They also run a Breastfeeding Support Group – please speak to your health visitor for information.  It is run on an informal basis and is open to all breastfeeding mums for up to date advice and guidance.

Health Visitors can be contacted directly be telephoning (01698) 261927

The District Nurses specialise in home nursing, wound care and treatment and care of the housebound, serious and terminally ill.  Patients confined to their house and in need of nursing assistance can arrange with their Doctor for the District Nurse to call.

District Nurses can be contacted on (01698) 759229.


We have a Midwife attached to the Practice who attends our Antenatal Clinic on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. She also visits our Mothers and babies after discharge from the Maternity Hospital. The midwife can be contacted by telephoning Motherwell Health Centre on 01698 242610.

Travel Vaccinations

The way you access travel vaccinations has changed.  Vaccinations previously delivered at GP practices will be the responsibility of NHS Lanarkshire.  For further information on travel vaccinations and where you can access these, please click this link: NHS Lanarkshire Travel Vaccinations